A Kingdom of Dreams - Bringing the magic together

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Ratatouille (Rat-a-too-ee) trailer released

Disney and Pixar yesterday released a new trailer for the upcoming film Ratatouille. The trailer is currently on the official Ratatouille website.

The new trailer gives us some more hints as to what the story may be (although I'm not going to write it down here, since some of you might want to wait and see!) It also introduces a couple of the characters, and tells us a little more about the main character - a rat.

Currently I've not been able to locate a HD version of the trailer (or indeed anything larger than the one on the Disney website). This'll probably change soon (or maybe already has and I've just not spotted it!)

Anyway. Enjoy!

- Ratatouille website and trailer - Disney.com

1 comment:

Jeff Sturges said...

The HD trailers are up now on the official site.