A Kingdom of Dreams - Bringing the magic together

Sunday, March 4, 2007

John Lasseter profiled by The New York Times

John LasseterLaura M. Holson of The New York Times has written a very interesting profile of John Lasseter, the Chief Creative Officer of Animation for the Walt Disney Company, which is available to read on the New York Times website.

From the article:

Enter Mr. Lasseter who, along with a close team of handpicked animators had made Pixar this generation’s premier storyteller with an unbroken string of hits including “Monsters, Inc.,” “Finding Nemo” and “The Incredibles.” The first filmmaker to run Disney’s animation operations since Walt Disney died in 1966, he said he wants to reclaim the studio’s golden era.

- He Runs That Mickey Mouse Outfit - The New York Times
- Official Pixar Executive biographies

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