A Kingdom of Dreams - Bringing the magic together

Monday, March 26, 2007

Once Upon a Dream...

Once Upon a Dream Parade
...in a Disneyland not so far away...

Disneyland Resort Paris did a suprise "soft-opening" of its new parade this weekend. Officially supposed to start on April 1st, the Disney's Once Upon a Dream Parade made its way through the park despite the wet and rainy weather in its first public outings.

Quick off the mark, Photos Magiques quickly got some photos online, followed by DLRP.fr, who also now have a video of the parade available for those of you who either can't wait to visit the park and see it for yourself, or are unable to visit.

Various rumours had been circling recently that the parade and its floats wouldn't be ready in time, but the parade was performed with all of its brand new floats completed. According to Photos Magiques, the floats are named: The Dream of Imagination, The Dream of Laughter and Fun, Dreams of Friendship, Dreams of Fantasy, Dreams of Power, Dreams of Adventure and Dreams of Romance.

- Once Upon a Dream Parade - Photos Magiques
- Parade Photos - DLRP.fr
- More parade photos and video - DLRP.fr

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